Skills: Illustration, digital illustration, painting
Media: Procreate, gouache, watercolor, acrylic, pencil, colored pencil, pen, charcoal
Butterfly Man - Acrylic
Butterfly Man - Acrylic
Afternoon Sky - Gouache
Afternoon Sky - Gouache
In Thought - Watercolor
In Thought - Watercolor
Elevator - Procreate
Elevator - Procreate
Alone - Charcoal
Alone - Charcoal
Man -Acrylic
Man -Acrylic
Mushrooms - Procreate
Mushrooms - Procreate
Peaches - Gouache
Peaches - Gouache
Self Portait, 2022 - Watercolor, gouache
Self Portait, 2022 - Watercolor, gouache
Sunset - Procreate
Sunset - Procreate
Tomato/Tomato - Gouache, acrylic
Tomato/Tomato - Gouache, acrylic

Mushroom Timelapse

 The majority of the work in this section was created from 2019 to the present. During the pandemic lockdown, I found myself with a lot of extra time on my hands and lots of nervous energy. I channeled all of that energy into paintings, drawings and digital work. My favorite things to draw are people and nature. Capturing the subtlety of emotions on a human face is something I have loved learning and I am constantly relearning it. 

Blush - Watercolor

Buzz - Procreate
Buzz - Procreate
Bambam - Procreate
Bambam - Procreate
Subway - Acrylic
Subway - Acrylic
Primary - Acrylic on wood
Primary - Acrylic on wood
Peek - Watercolor, acrylic
Peek - Watercolor, acrylic
IT HURTS SO MUCH - Procreate
IT HURTS SO MUCH - Procreate
Sticker designs - Procreate
Sticker designs - Procreate
Younghoon - Procreate
Younghoon - Procreate
Lover - Procreate
Lover - Procreate

Figure 1 - Tuscan red pencil on paper

Figure 2 - Tuscan red pencil on paper

Figure 3 - pencil

Figure 4 - Pencil on colored paper

Bug 1 - Procreate
Bug 1 - Procreate
Bug 2 - Procreate
Bug 2 - Procreate
Bug 3 - Procreate
Bug 3 - Procreate
Bug 4 - Procreate
Bug 4 - Procreate
Bug 5 - Procreate
Bug 5 - Procreate
Bug 6 - Procreate
Bug 6 - Procreate

Bug 1 Timelapse - Procreate

Bug 6 Timelapse - Procreate

Bug sticker designs - Procreate

Llama - Procreate
Llama - Procreate
Baby Valenzia - Procreate
Baby Valenzia - Procreate
Eyes - Watercolor, pen
Eyes - Watercolor, pen
Kyungsoo - Procreate
Kyungsoo - Procreate
Kyungsoo with Flowers - Procreate
Kyungsoo with Flowers - Procreate
Cloak - Gouache
Cloak - Gouache
Face - Watercolor, gouache
Face - Watercolor, gouache
Frog prince - Acrylic
Frog prince - Acrylic
DPR Ian - Pen
DPR Ian - Pen

Lip Study - Procreate Timelapse

Lip Study - Procreate

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